A man recently appointed general in the army was sitting in his new office when a new soldier walked in. Wishing to impress the new soldier, the general picked up the telephone and said, “Yes, Mr. President. I’m glad you like my suggestions. I’ll come by and give you a more detailed report at the White House a little later this week.” After hanging up the telephone the general asked, “Now, soldier, what can I do for you?”
“Nothing much, sir,” said the soldier. I just came in to connect your telephone.”

Source: http://mrhadirusman.blogspot.com/2010/05/example-of-spoof-text.html

Posted by: Cynthia Farah Sakina


One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    1. Why did the general pick up the telephone from Mr. President?(Literal)
    2. Based on the story above, who should give more detailed report this week?(Literal)
    3. Explain why did the soldier come to the general’s new office?(Interpretative)
    4. Retell the story above using your own words!(Interpretative)
    5. Explain the message that you can get from the story above!(Critical)

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